Craft Compelling Speech with More Than 100 Easy Persuasive Speech Topics
Speaking in front of an audience is a challenge. Doing so in an attempt to persuade people is even more so. So one really needs strong persuasive speech topics for college to catch the audience and ride them to the moon and back with the help of his or her imagination. Topic ideas are not the only tool to achieve it. Proper speech writing and presentation is the key to success. So before choosing a persuasive speech topic let us remind you of the basics of how to persuade.
What Are Several Good Topics for a Persuasive Speech?
You have a goal. You want your audience to pursue this goal. With what purpose? With purpose of doing something about it. So never forget to urge people to do something about the problem you raise. Lead them to action, after all.
How? Remember two important sets of principles.
First is centuries old: logos, ethos and pathos. They all should be present in your persuasive speech otherwise it will look somewhat lame.
Second, persuasive sequence of Monroe. It organizes your persuasive speech into a ram attack that crashes possible objections and unites the audience in agreement with what you say. So: attention (grab it) – problem (say that it exists) – solution (make people happy with the answer) – alternative (what if nothing is done) – call to action (say what they can or should do ASAP). That’s it.
Sample Videos of Persuasive Speeches
To illustrate persuasive speech topics better look through these videos and try to figure out why these are great examples of persuasive speeches.
The topic is quite common – Who is a hero – but the handling is brilliant. The speaker grabs attention by accessories, such as a cloak and a sticker. They are both funny and important since they illustrate what he speaks about. His persuasive speech is mostly emotional (rich in pathos). He employs several dictionary definitions but the bulk of his persuasive speech is simple and emotional talk appealing to everyone. However, he introduces a thesis of his topic and a roadmap to guide his audience. The listeners can easily relate to his ideas since he provides his personal ‘hero’ story and includes every common person into this concept of hero.
Persuasive speech is less emotional and more logos-oriented. It includes plenty of scientific facts and arguments so that even unemotional listeners can relate and appreciate what is being said. The presenter is probably not so good at theatrical tricks and emotionally charged persuasive speech topics. Thus he relies on good old logic and authority (ethos) to persuade his listeners in adverse effects of hot dogs as junk food.
The video is an excellent example of funny persuasive speech topics and the presenter handles it really well. The topic is totally original – Trump as a bikini model is something otherworldly – and the presenter plays it cool. She and other girls can relate to hidden message of unrealistic body standards and guys can have a good laugh just imagining this ‘model’. This absurd combination is what makes the topic really ridiculous – and points to more subtle implications. The presenter has a clear thesis and three strong arguments based on the chosen topic that she supports with reasoning and evidence.
Persuasive speech is well-worn, but the presenter does his best to immerse his audience into the place of an accident and give them shivers about what happens. This strong emotional and picturesque charge hits human mind really well, so the main point is not to overdo.
Want to present equally well? Pick from persuasive speech topics below and be a star on the class stage.
List of 106 Persuasive Speech Topics for College
- Adopt a friend, do not buy one: taking a pet from a shelter.
Animals’ love and loyalty do not depend on their breed. But desire for fashionable pets make people get irresponsible to buy expensive breeds and then throw them away like trash. So the more pets are purchased, the more will end up abandoned in the streets. - Can online learning replace schools?
Distance learning is a good option since students are not obliged to travel to and from school. But it does not suit everyone since distance learning requires certain independence and self discipline. - Should phones be totally banned in schools?
On the one hand, phones are a distraction that interferes into studies. On the other hand, phone is desperately needed in case of emergency and they abound in the modern world. - Ban on plastic bags: will it save our land, water and wildlife?
The oceans and the land are buried under trash that consists significantly of plastic that takes ages to decompose. Ban on this material can reduce pollution load on the planet. - Is daycare a viable solution for kids whose parents work?
When both parents work finding a good babysitter is a great deal. But it can be quite expensive, so daycare may be a cheaper solution. Besides, there children can play with peers, communicate, learn and not feel alone or abandoned. - Be aware: signs of kids abuse explained.
Very often misbehavior or some unusual behavior of children indicate that something happens to them. Very often it is domestic abuse that causes sudden aggression, fear or disorders in children. - Can the government win the war on drugs and who will lose it? War on drugs means more that fighting cartels and pushers. Drug addicts will look for a dose and so the cycle will begin. Wide rehabilitation program and providing opportunities to young folks in poor neighborhood will do more to curb the drug trafficking.
- Is welfare a valid part of the state policy or just the taxpayers’ money waste? All citizens deserve a minimum level of decent life. The economy does not offer enough workplaces to accommodate everyone, and each person can face serious financial problems in life. It does not mean these people should starve or freeze to death.
- Is there a need to control ownership of assault weapons stricter in the light of recent mass shooting cases? The recent outbreak of violence shows that society is saturated with guns, including assault rifles. These kinds of guns are not required for self-protection but can play a lethal role by increasing the number of deaths in potential shooting feats.
- Should the state regulate internet certain content for its citizens? The Internet is free but some potentially harmful content is illegal despite this freedom. So the state has the right to regulate such content and remove it from servers or ban from search lists. In other cases censorship is unacceptable.
- Is there any alternative to using animals in scientific experiments and research? Animals are living beings that feel pain, fear and joy. They do not deserve being tortured for the sake of science. Researchers can focus on developing viable cloned tissues and cells for using in experimentation.
- What are the benefits of all people going vegetarians? Cattle breeding on a large scale contributes to the greenhouse effect and to the exhaustion of fields, forests and pastures. Besides, animals are leaving beings and it is cruel to kill them for meat. Instead scientists can develop protein substitutes that will replace meat proteins.
- Is going on vacations really important for our health? The cult of work praises those who are always busy, but chronic stress and fatigue can kill any person. So going on vacations at least once a year is a must for well-being.
- Sleep and its proper amount. It is fashionable to boast how little one sleeps but actually it is boasting about harming one’s heaths. Proper sleep is necessary for rest, corporal health and psychological well-being. Limiting sleep will have very adverse impact on human body and mind.
- Birth control for teens: why ask the parental consent? Teens are not children, they have desires that they cannot always control. Getting necessary contraception without humiliating procedure of getting parental consent will reduce level of teen pregnancies and preserve families where parents are too strict or religious to accept their children’s needs.
- What media does to create unrealistic body image and standards. Ads that promote beach body image actually promote fat shaming and unrealistic standards of beauty. Many ads are built on secret body shaming while what is shamed is actually a healthy norm.
- Are all TV programs equally harmful for kids? Some programs can teach children new information or valuable ethical lessons. But parents should limit time spent watching them and control the content children can access.
- Children on the web: the safety age. It is believed that children should access the web independently when they are at least 13 years old. They are smart and mature enough to realize the basic threats and avoid them carefully.
- College bullying and suicide: much stronger take on violence is needed. The wave of bullying seems to gain momentum. Reports say that teens and young people commit suicides because of it. It is high time to stop seeing bullying as a ‘norm’ and the process of maturation and to declare the total war on it.
- Celebrities and paparazzi: going public means having no right to privacy? We always want to know how celebrities live and paparazzi earn money on this desire. They say that public personas voluntarily shed their right to privacy. However, no one sheds this right until he or she clearly says so, and so paparazzi should be severely persecuted for stalking and trespassing.
- Good ole’ days: was life really better 40 (50) years ago? Very often older individuals say that life was better earlier. It depends which units and parameters are taken for comparison and what the concept ‘better’ means in this case.
- Urbanization of the world: for better or for worse? Urbanization leaves rural areas unpopulated and cities are expanding instead. While they may seem convenient for us, cities make serious impact on the environment and harm our health in many ways. Urban planning should be remodeled to bring people somewhat closer to nature.
- Gender roles revisited: how can we make genders more equal? Despite the fact that in many aspects men and women are equal, there are many areas where men have privileges. Salaries, glass ceiling, ‘boys club’ industries – they all hinder women’s advance and getting really equal rights and opportunities with men.
- Is it fair to severely exploit sport talents of athletes at schools instead of letting them get a good education? Promising athletes are admitted by colleges only to be exploited in college teams. They actually have neither time nor energy to study properly and then graduate without a viable profession. Professional sport will also be open to very few of them.
- Too many ultimate win-or-lose sports games: no place for fair play left? Today winning the game or competition is the only goal. Dirty play or doping became a norm. So where have the fair play and gentlemen’s sport rules all gone and can we get them back?
- College athletes should receive fair payment for participation in competitions. College athletes are prohibited to accept prizes for participation in competitions since they represent colleges and not themselves. Free education is considered a sufficient payment for these efforts. But athletes do not study – they exercise, represent colleges, win them medals and fame and get nothing except health troubles.
- Do we need stricter examination and penalty for doping? Sport has became a testing ground for all kinds of substances boosting performance. It eliminates the very meaning of sport and fair game. These practices should be persecuted strictly.
- Steroids: why they are used and how to stop this plague? Sportsmen are ready to go beyond limits while exercising and growing muscles. Steroids do the trick but they have adverse health effects. Less competition in sport can reduce the amount of substances regularly involved.
- Football players are overpaid for doing essentially useless stuff. Football has become nothing more than a show. International players play for various teams, so no national pride and talents are involved in competition. Why pay these individuals so much for doing so little?
- Does Internet stands for death of traditional libraries? It is often said that the Internet will replace everything from books to libraries. But libraries do more for readers than just store books. Besides, paper books have their benefits in use and do not depend on battery life.
- Is there a definite answer about generally positive or negative impact technology makes on us? The role of technology as such is often debated but progress is irreversible, most of us agree. We can and should foresee and eliminate essential negative aspects of technology, but it will require cooperation of tech corporations and efforts of legislative bodies.
- Should adults regulate and strictly limit time they spend in front of the TV as well? TV is said to have negative impact on health and kids are usually limited in access to TV. But adults can also get a bunch of chronic diseases and stress if they consume TV programs in unlimited mode.
- Can we really end content piracy on the web? Piracy breaches intellectual rights and brings financial losses to content owners. It should be stopped, but global cooperation and efforts are needed to tackle this problem really effectively.
- Do various food additives really cause health troubles? Very often processed food is said to contain harmful substances – artificial preservatives, taste modifiers, food colorings. Not all of them are harmful, but some additives should be avoided because they impact heath, blood pressure, sugar levels, and target other human organs.
- Video games: do they really make gamers aggressive? Video games were accused of making teens aggressive and prone to violence in real life. But the researches show that video games actually help teens release stress in a peaceful way and regain much balanced mood.
- Pension plans: are they still viable in the modern economy? We are encouraged to have retirement plans and to save money, but many pension funds go bankrupt and the economy is too unpredictable to invest successfully. We need other ways to accumulate money for retirement.
- Has beauty surgery overstepped all reasonable limits? Sometimes there are serious problems that require plastic surgery to help us live normally. But undergoing operations just to get fashionable lips and nose is ridiculous. Besides, this surgery has adverse effects that are not always openly discussed.
- Can obesity be attributed only to personal choices and laziness? The public is often blamed for their obesity on the ground that they choose to eat unhealthy food and have too little physical activity. But we are bombarded by ads of junk food at every corner, and very often convenience stores are the only sources of food in neighborhoods, and this food is rich in sugar and fat.
- Immigration: to limit or not to limit? Immigration is said to impact job market and reduce number of jobs for American citizens. But actually immigration positively impacts economy.
- Freedom of media has turned into total chaos. Freedom of speech is hailed as the constitutional right. But media have taken this freedom too far and they feed their audience not analytical information but scandals and hype news, thus obscuring and distorting the whole picture.
- Intelligence: made of 99% environment and 1% genetics. Intelligence was believed to be inherited from parents, but today scientists say that it is mostly developed by conditions of life. So it matters greater how individuals are raised and educated that how smart their parents are.
- Is it appropriate to persecute juveniles as adults? Today in many cases juvenile criminals are persecuted as adults for offences that were prompted by life conditions and/or circumstances. The latter are not accounted for and so teens go to jail to serve life terms like recidivist adults.
- Should we limit private space initiatives? Cosmic space belongs to all, and states develop programs based on international agreements. Private initiative can change this balance. But at this stage this initiative is too weak to make that much impact, and in the future it should be regulated.
- Should the US healthcare system be transformed? The US healthcare is the most expensive per capita but remains one of the least efficient. It should be reformed not to reduce cost but to provide better services and coverage for us, to begin with.
- Additional assistance for working mothers is needed. A traditional family was designed to match the situation when a father works and a mother takes care of children. So when both parents work there is no way to take care of kids properly. So working mums should have opportunity to leave children in daycare or to get an allowance to hire a nanny.
- Fake news: a hoax or a global problem? Fake news is believed to cause plenty of global political troubles around the world. But even if it does not, fake news promotes distrust and skepticism that kills media and chances to provide us with information that will be trusted.
- Managing funds from childhood: making financial literacy obligatory. We are taught that it is important to earn money and get education to do that. But we are not taught how to invest, budget own funds and make some savings for future or unexpected costs. Financial education is a must if we want a greater number of people be financially secure.
- GMO marking violations should be persecuted stronger. GMO’s impact on our organism is still not researched properly, so we have the right to know what they consume. GMO goods should be marked clearly with understandable warnings.
- Is individual voting so important today? Democracy depends on persons making their choice and voting is the way to voicing this choice. Individual votes are important since they add up to represent the national aspirations.
- Effectiveness of mutual help associations (AAA and the like). The usefulness of such associations has long been debated. It is ascribed to autosuggestion and placebo effect. But psychology is basically about self-help and these associations provide feeling of community and support. Individuals who cannot get this help elsewhere need this source of emotional help even more.
- Inequality and its effect in the society: signs and consequences. Inequality is often discussed today since it means that an increasing number of people live in poverty while the financial wealth is concentrated in the hands of 1% of population. It means that most folks do not have basic access to necessary things and services, including water, food and healthcare.
- Does the state imprisons too many people for minor offences? The statistics shows that the rates of imprisonment grow while crimes are petty and could be punished with lesser severity. Instead, some rehabilitation and re-integration into the society will do these citizens more good – and to the society as well.
- Corporal punishments towards children should be persecuted as offence. No one should assault kids physically and call it ‘education’. It is cruel, violent and unacceptable. But to eradicate this practice stricter laws and penalties for aggressive parents are needed.
- Is human cloning really unethical? Cloning is a debatable practice for all living creatures. But if in vitro inception is legal and ethical, then cloning has not gone too far from it.
- Recent studies show that breakfast is not the most important meals of the day. Usually breakfast is praised as the most worthy meal of the day that should not be skipped. However, recent researches show that breakfast plays unimportant role if lunch and dinner are eaten properly.
- Hidden messages of TV advertisements and programs. Ads and shows seem to say what they say – promote goods or discuss something, but actually they promote certain stereotypes about bodies or gender and boost consumption. Talk shows may be useful but often they shift the light towards celebrities or glossy life without any real significance.
- Can the power of social networks be harnessed? Social networks operate according to their own rules that are still under-researched. But they seriously impact lives of millions of people. Certain corporate politics can curb dissemination of violence or hatred, but decision not to use networks for boasting or self-comparison with others should be made by individuals personally.
- Should single parents adopt kids from the point of view of financial and social security? It turns out that good parenting does not depend much on financial security. Single parents can raise happy kids if they have access to daycare and similar services. And vice versa: the wealth of parents does not ensure happiness and safety of children in their care.
- Say no to texting and driving. Texting while on the road leads to accidents, damage and deaths. It is necessary to refuse to text or talk over the phone while driving. Ten-minute delay in answer is not a problem as serious as losing health or life, or accidentally killing others.
- Is there any difference in interpersonal communication and CMC at workplace? Face-to-face communication is believed to better convey meaning since 79% of all info is delivered non-verbally. CMC, on the other hand, allows to communicate faster, so it usually replaces face-to-face talks. But CMC also has drawbacks, like opportunity to shift responsibility or delete some messages/letters to hide job mistakes.
- Will some professions disappear in (30, 50, 100) years? Robotics and AI prompt that many jobs will disappear as obsolete. These tasks will be performed by robots. But robots need programming, supervision and servicing, so in place of old jobs new ones will appear.
- How different methods of socialization affects male and female ability to build relationships. Men and women are raised differently and they express emotions in different ways (or do not express them at all). But folks can learn to be increasingly open about what they feel and so become better and more caring partners in a way that the loved ones will understand.
- Universal basic income. Viable or not? Can this move reduce inequality and poverty and boost the economy? Or will it only place heavy burden on the tax-paying entities and will promote laziness and apathy among population?
- Car sharing: tool to unblocking the cities or just another inconvenient means of transportation? Sharing cars on the road to work or shopping is believed to help unblock streets and save environment. But reducing car numbers does not mean eliminating them. To tackle the problem of roadblocks development of large-capacity city transport is required as well.
- Handwriting develops mind and cognitive capabilities while texting and typing impairs them. Handwriting is connected to fine movements of hands and these movements boost intellectual development and memory. So handwriting is necessary for promoting intellectual development of kids.
- If the Internet crashes one day, what will we all do? We have come to rely on the Internet for literally everything. But it may happen that for some reason it crashes. So we need to have some wire and wireless (but not WiFi) communication tools to keep updated and connected. Libraries, town halls, newspapers and letters can substitute the absent web.
- Is multi-tasking really unnatural for folks? Women are praised for multitasking and are said to be better at it. But reсent observations say that women are not naturally better at it and experience overload and stress. It happens because they have to cope with double workload while men take little part in child rearing. If they get involved actively, multitasking is distributed more evenly and is reduced in scope.
- Three parent children: a new ethical dilemma. Genetic engineering helps people have kids without serious illnesses, but the dilemma of another genome is here. Still, if looked at closely, it turns out that genetic information comes from two parents and ‘a third parent’ is not involved in DNA donation.
- Is it safe for people aged over 65 to drive cars? Driving a car is a necessary part of life today, and people over 65 have the right to do it. But since they are in the higher health risk group they should go through medical examinations way frequently and never get on the road if they feel unwell.
- Should cigarettes be prohibited altogether? Cigarettes are very harmful to health of smokers and those surrounding them. They cause addiction like drugs. So they should be banned, and smokers should be allowed some time to quit and get replacement medications.
- Street gangs: possible ways to stop their spread and eliminate them completely. Street gangs are directly linked to economic factors, lack of educational opportunities, lack of jobs and absence of social lifts. So to get rid of them it is necessary to provide greater opportunities to youth in such neighborhoods. Bigger policing will do nothing to stop it.
- Body positivity: how to tell self-love from reluctance to improve one’s health. It is okay to be slim and sporty but not all people can do it. Some have serious diseases that affect weight. So they do have the right to be the way they are without being shamed or accused of not taking care of their health.
- CPR training for everyone should be made obligatory. You never know when someone near you may need emergent help. It is necessary for everyone to be skilled in CPR so that to know how to help someone in critical condition before medics arrive.
- Stephen Hawking: giant mind in the feeble body. Was he an outstanding scientist or a great promoter of existing science? Stephen Hawking is known as a scientist but many of his contributions are based on the work of other researchers. But his books, lectures and charisma worked wonders to make folks interested in science.
- Can total ban on using fossils safe environment? Burning fossil fuel contributes significantly to air pollution and greenhouse effect. They are also finite and will run out sooner or later. Alternative sources should be used instead.
- Students should have psychological assessment before going to college to help them cope with stress and overloads better. College students are the most vulnerable to stress and health problems because they face huge educational loads, part-time work and often separation from their families. Psychological assessment may assist develop strategies how to manage study and social duties and to stay in sound mind and able body.
- Can we learn something from the success stories or it is just the survival bias case? Many books and lectures tell us to learn from successful folks. But it is essential to focus on what not to do rather than what to do in order to succeed. Learning from others’ mistakes is vital on the path to personal success.
- Drug addiction should be decriminalized and equaled to illness. Drug addicts are not criminals, they are just in need of rehabilitation. They do harm to their own health only, and real criminals are those who provide drugs through manufacturing and trafficking. They should be punished firsthand.
- Hunting should be banned altogether since the nature does not have ‘unnecessary species’. Since we do not need to go hunting for food, hunting has become obsolete. It is murdering animals for no purpose but fun, and the nature can itself regulate the numbers of species without human help. Hunting should be banned as cruel and violent practice.
- France reports loss of significant part of its bird population during the last 15 years. Are we on the verge of ecological disaster? This decline happened because the amount of insects on the Earth has declined drastically. It means that the eco-balance is being breached and we may see various negative natural consequences, from poor harvests to loss of multiple animal species.
- Do teachers have the right to regulate students’ legally acceptable behavior outside school? Teachers’ tasks are to teach subjects and provide moral guidance when students are in class. Trying to control students outside educational institutions (if they are not doing something totally illegal) is unethical. It limits personal freedom of students.
- End of globalization? Does outsourcing actually harm economies? Usually globalization is hailed as a positive phenomenon. But it leads to direct exploitation of individuals and nature in the poorest countries. It also allows big corporations to literally import poor workers and treat them horribly while on our land, which is illegal.
- Bloggers should have same rights and obligations as journalists. The web and individual internet resources have become the new media that we trust to get news from. Bloggers who have thousands of subscribers and millions of readers should stick to standards of journalism and be treated in the same way.
- Floods and extreme winters: can we still reverse the climate change? Multiple floods, snowfalls, hurricanes and rains are attributed to changing climate. If we want to live on the safe planet we need to rethink our environmental policies and to stop demolishing natural zones that keep disasters at bay.
- The Ice Age ending or the global warming? What science has to say. Today changing temperatures and climate shifts are attributed to human activities. But other version has it that the world is emerging from one of the Ice Ages and it is a normal process of returning to initial weather conditions.
- Mansplaining: do men always know it better? Mansplaining is a new word in the dictionary. It means that men always try to explain things to women even if they have the same education, profession or experience. It happens because of gender biases and misconceptions and should be eliminated from our culture.
- Plenty of hygienic products can actually kill you through cumulative effect. Showering too often (several times a day) with gels or soaps or using too much body hygiene products can lead to severe health problems. The harmful additives accumulate in human body and affect heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, and other vital organs.
- Will stricter gun laws prevent mass shootings and homicides? Very often, additional prohibitions on guns are believed to assist decrease the number of deaths in shootings. But usually these incidents involve the very simple guns that cannot be prohibited because of the Constitution. So either all guns should be banned as such, or other measures need to be taken to reduce the danger.
- Can people come together and raise funds for solving some global problems if governments do not want or cannot do it? Crowdfunding projects show that united individuals can solve many important issues that governments cannot. If conducted globally, these projects can tackle problems that governments cannot tackle because of lack of funds or other considerations.
- IQ tests do not measure human intelligence and just give rise to biases. IQ test is used to describe human intelligence and the higher it is, the smarter a person is believed to be. But IQ test just measure some limited skills in limited settings and they cannot measure the complete capacity of unique human intelligence.
- Will robots replace humans in all professions? It is often said that robots will oust humans from all jobs. Indeed, assembly line can work completely without humans, but many creative jobs and human services jobs do require presence of human intelligence and empathy that are impossible to replace.
- Should AI research and experiments be banned or limited because of totally unpredictable consequences? AI today is a hot topic and many expectations are linked to this research. But studies show that it is impossible to predict how AI will behave in any new situation, and so this research should be limited to some basics in order to avoid potential catastrophes.
- Can humans change their biological clock to become all larks? Should they do so? It is regularly said that getting up early boosts productivity and so on. But many researches point that we are born with inbuilt biological clocks, and it is harmful to try and change the natural rhythm as it leads to adverse health impact.
- Did art turn into purely commercial enterprise and do all great artists belong to the past? Today huge sums are paid for paintings that are highly unintelligible or weird and the works of Old Masters are praised much higher than anything else. Besides, artists compete for support and create works that meet tastes of potential sponsors. So art seems to have become another industry with high added value but little artistic purpose.
- Should everyone be taught to appreciate opera and classical music? Music positively affects learning abilities and perception. Besides, knowing one’s way about classical music and opera makes a person better skilled in art and develops logic and attention. So these kinds of musical art should be included into curricula at list in some basic form.
- Should schools have fewer classes and increased breaks each day? Students have greater study loads today than their parents did. This pressure is doing little to improve academic success but ruins teens’ heath. They should have fewer classes and longer breaks to cope with study loads.
- Should every property developer be obliged to plant number of trees proportionate to the area of buildings constructed? Trees provide multiple benefits to environment and humans but they are mercilessly destroyed to give space to buildings. To ensure healthier and environmentally balanced urban planning, developers should be obliged to allocate space for and plant trees based on the capacity of buildings.
- Should potential parents undergo psychological examination before having children? Having children seems to be primarily a natural process rather than a learned skill. However, being a good parent entails numerous responsibilities that the public cannot always guarantee. Examination may help detect any issues that may cause troubles in parenting and so many problems can be eliminated even before they appear.It signifies increased happiness and safety for kids.
- Privacy on the web: does it really exist? The web is an environment totally different from what we faced before. Concept of privacy seems to be lost here because of many factors, but it depends on service providers and website/browser developers and owners to restore it as we usually see it. Personal caution is also needed.
- Common battle against domestic violence and abuse is a must. Violence against human beings (and animals altogether) is inacceptable. Domestic violence is even way dangerous since it happens invisibly to others. Additional laws and their more comprehensive application are required to reduce the level of domestic abuse.
Bonus: 30 Newest Persuasive Speech Topics You Should Consider
- Is it necessary to cover music and art therapy by insurance?
There are many kinds of research and surveys, which prove that music and art can improve the mental and physical state. That is why covering it by insurance will greatly help individuals to fight the disease. - Should it be compulsory for students to study musical instruments at school?
Music is good for the brain and mental state; it helps to build new neuron connections and to boost our imagination. That is why learning an instrument should be a part of every student’s curriculum. - Should citizens attend national museums for free?
Exhibits are a public domain, so it is wise to allow individuals with different backgrounds and financial state to be able to educate and learn. Many capital cities have already made a free entrance to public museums, which only attracted a bigger amount of visitors. - Can graffiti be called an art?
Modern art may not have many similarities with classical art but it is still a way to show your vision of reality and has a therapeutic effect. - Should inappropriate language be deleted from classical literature?
At educational establishments, pupils learn how to behave and how to become respectable participants of society. Learning offensive or inappropriate language may harm the process. - Are e-books better than paper ones?
E-books cost less and occupy not so much space. You can upload tens of different books and take them with you wherever you go. Moreover, trees are not cut down to make e-books, which is a great way to help the ecology. - Should interns get a salary for their work?
Very often interns do a lot of work without rest and days off. They push themselves to the limits and it would be quite wise to pay them in order to motivate and to show appreciation. - Should workers be encouraged financially for walking or cycling to work?
Most of the workers don’t lead a physically active way of life. That is why it would be encouraging to get bonuses for switching cars or busses on bicycles or even walking. - Impact of Brexit on the UK economy.
Brexit was a blast for world economies but it has a greater impact on the UK itself. It is unlikely that the country will be able to regain its power and influence after leaving the EU. - Should individuals of 65+ age ride public transport for free?
When people retire, it becomes increasingly difficult to cover the bills. Some of them simply don’t have enough savings, so making public transport free is a wise solution and greatly eases the life of elderly individuals. - Why is it important to increase the minimum salary?
Due to inflation and appetites of producers, the prices for goods and services are constantly growing. That is why it would be fair to increase wages and help others to lead a quite secure way of life. - Should tipping be voluntary or compulsory?
Tipping is a way to show that you liked how you were served or treated. However, it is not necessary to leave tips if the personnel was arrogant, rude or simply kept you waiting for too long. - Can so-called Black Friday sales begin on Thanksgiving?
Sales are a great chance to save money and to purchase gifts for friends and relatives. That is why shifting Black Friday a few days earlier would be a great opportunity to save the family’s budget. - Should scholars be expelled for bullying?
Bullying is a national problem, so the measures applied should already become stricter. Being expelled is quite a fair punishment. - Should the uniform be compulsory?
Uniform is an opportunity to equalize students with low and with high incomes. It teaches discipline and tidiness. If you want to show individuality, you can do it after classes. - Is it necessary to teach girls and boys separately?
Studies show that female and male brains develop at a different speed, so it would be quite wise to teach girls and boys at elementary school separately. - Should the music be played in school halls during the break?
Music has a great therapeutic effect, allows to minimize stress and to improve mood. Music is also the right solution after boring or difficult classes and is a chance to relax and restore energy. - Foreign language as a part of the curriculum at elementary schools.
In most of the countries across the world studying a foreign language at elementary school is compulsory and has lots of benefits. I think we should apply such experience in our own schools. - Should there be meditation breaks or classes at schools?
Relaxation, yoga, and meditation are good for our brain and mental state. That’s why they should be a part of regular classes. - Should physical education grades impact GPA?
Some students pay too much attention to sports, neglecting other classes. That is why making PE a part of the GPA grade is not wise. - Should teachers be financially encouraged if the students get good scores for final tests?
Grades of students partially depend on their teachers, so bonuses are a great way to motivate them and teach better. All sides of the process will only benefit from such bonuses. - Should children from families of illegal immigrants attend schools?
Everyone has a right to education. Illegal immigrants’ kids didn’t choose whether to move to the US or not, so they should attend them as anyone else. - Should scholars receive money for getting a particular GPA?
Financial encouragement remains one of the most effective tools of motivating teenagers. So using it for reaching better GPA results could lead to better performance and higher scores. - Should students be able to take smartphones to school?
Smartphones are no longer used to make calls in cases of emergency. They distract students from the educational process, so should be forbidden. - Should learners get a chance to leave school at a lunch break?
High school students, who live nearby and have parents’ permission, can go home for lunch. In other cases, it is better to stay inside the educational organization for everyone’s safety. - Should violent video games be prohibited?
Nowadays kids and teenagers devote lots of their time to video games. Most of them are violent and generate anger, which results in conflicts, fights or even shootings. - Should students at high school volunteer to be able to graduate?
Being compassionate is one of the most important skills any learner has to acquire, so participating in voluntary projects to get a diploma is a great solution. - Should cursive handwriting be taught?
Even though more and more subjects are taught via various technical devices, cursive handwriting is still important and positively influences our brain. - How to prevent bullying?
Every case of bullying is individual and requires different measures. However, it must be controlled by the educational institution’s authorities and reported. All participants (including psychologists and learners themselves) should detect and highlight bullying cases. - Is it necessary to legalize prostitution?
Prostitution is widely spread all across the world. It is unlikely that it will disappear, so legalization will protect all sides and will draw more money to the state’s treasury.
Conclusion on Choosing Persuasive Speech Topics
We hope the topics above helped you choose the idea for you persuasive speech. Ready to take the challenge of writing a persuasive speech for college? Still feel insecure? Ask us to write it for you and rehearse it properly. Very, very properly. And then make them laugh and cry together with you. We believe that you can do that with our persuasive speech assistance!