A Writer’s Arsenal: Top Words and Phrases for Essays

Do you know how to write compelling and catchy essays? This is real art. You need to be very good at writing to find appropriate words and phrases to make up a great essay. But in most cases, students don’t find the phrases when it’s needed. Therefore, they express their thoughts in plain and standard English.
What are the easy but still working ways to make your academic essay more interesting for the readers? How do you know that the audience gets the idea of the text correctly? What if they don’t read it till the end because the essay is boring? In this case, you need to implement interesting phrases into your text.
Words and Phrases to Make Your Text a Better One
If you don’t know how to work on the essay text, you should learn the list of relevant words. These will make your academic essay more organized and sound better. There are words and phrases for different parts of the essay. Let’s discuss them in detail to see why each of them is important to the context.
First of All and Second Of All
These are common words knowledgeable essay writers use. These points are often used in the texts to show the consistency of the arguments. But many students underestimate their importance. When you use these necessary phrases, you cut your essay text into relevant sections. If you miss these structural transitive words, you can mislead the reader.
These words seem obvious. But people often forget about them. Using such transitions at the beginning of the sentence or paragraph, you can easily and purposefully point out the crucial aspects of your academic essay. Otherwise, the reader can miss the information or consider it unnecessary.
According to, Referring To
Now it’s time to move to another point of our discussion. These elements are important for the whole constitution of the text. If you write an essay on a wide topic, you are to present arguments and give sound examples to the reader. If you don’t use such phrases, the reader can be easily misled. It is easy to get lost in the essay if you don’t refer to relevant parts of the content during the writing process.
Furthermore, these words can also help you to organize your academic essay. You won’t struggle with the points and listing them. Another thing to mention is the use of quotes or direct sayings. These phrases are perfect for such cases.
Considering, in View Of
Another great way to refer to an already mentioned subject. But they are also often used to start the statement. When you want to introduce concerns about the sayings of other people or draw attention to your own words, you can easily use these phrases.
Another example of use is when writing the arguments. When you want to contradict the information, you can start a sentence with these phrases.
Furthermore, Moreover
These are also commonly used in writings. They are perfect if you want to add something. You don’t need to use conjunctions to follow the idea. It is a more interesting way to widen your thoughts. These two words have the same connotation. For this reason, you can use each of them in the same position.
You can put them at the beginning of the paragraph. Or you can insert these phrases within the sentences in one paragraph. It’s okay to use such a word to let the reader know that you want to continue the discussion.
To Put It in Another Way
There are also other synonyms: that is, in other words, to put it simpler. Here are examples of phrases that will help you simplify the information. Imagine that you are trying to express the idea with several arguments. It may be difficult to follow the natural flow and make the writing sound clear.
For this reason, professional writers try to make the load a bit easier. If you want to express the idea in other words, explain it more specifically and make sure that the readers get your idea, these phrases are a must.
In Order To
This is a great substitution for a regular method that all writers use. You can use this combination to make the writing more interesting. Using this one, you can clearly explain your aim. Why are you writing about it? What do you mean by introducing a particular concept?
It is a great way to state your position. There will be cases when you are forced to explain your statements. Therefore, you should use appropriate words and phrases to make it clear for the reader.
As Well as, Similarly, Likewise
Let’s now point out our attention to the following section. Here we should talk about the arguments. These elements are often used by the writers. If you write an argumentative academic essay, for example, and need to ponder over the same subject, these words are a perfect choice.
You should use different ways of saying ‘also’. Readers are bored with this regular word. Therefore, you should substitute it with other synonyms. Try to make use of various variants. The more word variations you can use, the more diverse and interesting your academic essay will be.
On the Contrary, However, Whereas
There are often cases when you need to present another point of view. In many cases, it is easier to agree with the concept. But when you need to contradict the point, you should choose relevant words. These phrases will do you a favour.
You don’t need to explain your steps. You can simply insert one of these words at the beginning of your academic paper and proceed with the thoughts. Using these phrases, you will be able to offer an alternative view for the readers.
Reasons to Use Additional Words and Phrases
There are different thoughts concerning the use of these words and phrases for your academic essay. Some writers are sure that these phrases make the essay watery. Others are concerned about the continuation of the text. They believe that the use of such phrases is necessary to follow a natural flow of the text.
So, why do you need these phrases? There are several reasons for you to introduce the examples to your academic essay and make them part of your regular writing routine.
- First of all, they make your academic essay more structured. If you are good at writing, you know how important it is to work on the structure of the text. Although, readers don’t always get when you finish the idea and start the next one. But when using these words, you indicate a new thought, introduce a controversial point of view or end the statement.
- This is not always great for the comprehension of the essay. Your readers will also benefit from such a trick. If you include such phrases in your academic essay, your readers will thank you.
- Do you want to make your paper a good one? If you want to facilitate the process of writing, you should resort to these words and phrases. They will make the whole essay writing process easier. Using them, you won’t get lost in the paper and will be able to track your ideas fluently.
- They are great transitive elements, too. You should use them to provide smooth transitions between the sections of your academic essay. Otherwise, the readers won’t comprehend the shift between the ideas.
These are the most visible reasons for you to use such word combinations. Do you want to be a great writer? If you want the readers to enjoy your academic essays, your task is to make them readable. And by using these transitive words, you can transform your academic paper and make it sound more coherent.
Time to Conclude
Writing an academic essay is a common assignment in a college. Students often receive paper tasks during their semester. But is it an easy assignment for everyone? Unfortunately, not every student knows how to cope with the content of the essay. For his reason, we have created a guide for you. In our article, you will learn the necessary words and word combinations to make your essay better. With our help, your academic essay will sound more professional.
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