Techniques for Writing Impactful Ethics Essays

We receive knowledge about ethics in our daily life. Writing about it based on scientific data, statistics, and evidence comes with a challenge. This article explains the meaning of an ethics essay, its primary aims, and offers the way of efficient document crafting. Topic ideas on ethical principles will inspire you for a debatable topic that is the most convenient for you to discuss.
Ethics Essay: Definition and Purpose
An ethical essay is a type of academic writing. It supposes a conversation about the sensitive side of society, personal beliefs, and moral principles. Its purpose is to express a private position on what is admissible or beyond the pale.
Ethics science is a branch of philosophy that involves the norms of ethical behavior. That creates a wide field for debates. In the essay work, a writer must represent his view, reinforce it by evidence, share opposite opinions, and perhaps find the golden mean (optionally).
Students of all studying establishments often collapse with the writing of an ethical essay task. This subject allows a wide choice of situations to write about, e.g., about professional activity, ethical behavior in public, home cases, personal experience, etc.
So many men. So many minds. People often transmit moral issues differently. Different human ethical behavior causes conflicts at times. That creates a perfect opportunity to observe the most debatable topics. Choose the most controversial one, and write a powerful argumentative essay.
The first step in writing an ethical essay is a precise understanding of what ethics means to avoid confusing it from reflection or analytic paper.
Ethics Essay Types and Structure
The moral issues are multifaceted, which determines various approaches to them. Ethical aspects can be:
- descriptive: characterizing a case or situation;
- comparative: confronting manners in various segments of society or cultures;
- normative or prescriptive: examines the set of generally accepted ethical behavioral rules;
- meta-ethics: represents a loyal approach to various norms without emphasizing the right or wrong rules;
- applied: examines the ways of acting from the philosophical side and widely spread among professionals who work extensively with crowds of people (coaches, medicine workers, office staff, etc.)
According to the approach, the types of ethical essays may vary. Students often receive tasks from professors to write a persuasive, argumentative, or controversial essay on ethics. However, there is a structure template that relates to all essay genres.
Regardless of the type, an ethical essay should include:
- Introduction. It expresses the primary goal of each particular academic assignment with a thesis statement. It should not necessarily be too long. Up to five sentences are enough to illuminate the background context and determine the intention of a writer.
- Main part. Usually, these are three body paragraphs that transmit the main thoughts and evidence that support your thesis. Writing an ethical essay, you should remember that moral rules are different for each person. Your task is to provide the most convincing evidence, authentic facts, and statistical data to defend your point of view.
- Conclusion. Summarize all you have said in your paper and prove the meaningfulness of your thesis statement. Be clear, precise, and short, observing the most significant findings of the current research briefly.
The structure of an ethical essay remains classics and does not differ from other types of essays. Put close attention to the sense of your paper.
Useful Tips
When creating an ethical essay, follow the sequence of steps:
- Select the most debatable topic with a hefty amount of credible sources. An essay must contain arguments supported by the witness and perhaps counterarguments, except for the point of view. Make sure that you have enough information to deliver.
- Write a draft. It is helpful for information selecting and proper structuring of your thoughts. Also, it allows you the freedom to start with the chapter that you want and complete other ones later.
- Write the text according to the structure template. Devote a paragraph to one thought only and support it by at least two facts. Manage a smooth and logically chained transition between the chapters.
- Check out your entire text. Ideally, your text should be readable and understandable. In case you notice that some arguments are comparatively weaker, replace them with more significant ones. Do the final stylistic, grammatical, and punctuational corrections.
Pay close attention to the meaning of your monologue:
- avoid taking rhetorical topics, giving preference to the questions that you can reply;
- write in a human language without transcendental style of writing;
- cancel meaningless phrases and words;
- base on credible sources only (holy books, works of famous philosopher, country heritage);
- use the quotes to empower your arguments and cite them correctly;
- implement misconceptions observing and comment on them;
- emphasize the value of your research, mentioning the previous works on this topic and upcoming developmental perspectives.
Receive the extensive formatting instructions from your coordinator and devote the time to match the deadline frames.
Topic Ideas for an Ethics Essay
Ethics is an extensively broad subject to discuss. Look through the list of topic ideas below divided into particular disciplines.
General Ethics Topics
- plastic operations for teenagers;
- the reaction of society on kidnapping;
- bullying in children collective;
- torturing animals;
- exams cheating among schoolmates;
- slang language among children;
- the wages of football players and workers of education: comparative characteristic;
- collaboration of religion and governmental system;
- legalization of euthanasia;
- racial injustice during the admission process at studying establishments.
Computers and Technologies Topics
- collecting information about users by Internet providers;
- replacing the laborers with robots;
- privateness on the Internet;
- hacking as a moral issue;
- free and paid computer programs;
- cyberbullying: causes and consequences;
- ethical problems among computer users;
- ways of protection against eavesdropping;
- how ethic is the video surveillance system;
- robbing through the Internet.
Law of Crime Topics
- death penalty;
- the beating of defendants;
- legalization of sexual business;
- governmental access to computer data of citizens;
- ethics as an obligatory school subject;
- ethical issues in prisons;
- hazing in the military unit;
- ethics of interrogatory;
- allowance for convicted maniacs to see their children;
- measures of punishments for state rioters.
All of these topic ideas include numerous moot points. Developing one of these topics is a brilliant idea for an ethics essay.
Here is an example of an ethics essay on the topic «Reasons for becoming a vegan.»
Hunters catch and kill over fifty billion land-living animals and over eighty billion thalassophilus annually around the world. This assignment aims to explore vegetarianism, its advantages for human health to reduce animals torturing. I come from a family of farmers and realize that keeping animals is integral to the economic sector. Nevertheless, I am interested in vegetarianism. I intend to observe this contentious issue from all sides.
The benefits of a vegan daily menu are numerous. Scientists have proved its positive impact on weight loss and boosting the general well-being of a human. The researchers provide data that prove cancer cells reducing and diabetes appearing, thanks to vegetarianism. Also, it improves the conditions of chronic patients with kidney and heart diseases. Also, the statistical data represent the dependence of raising cancer rates in people and the worst longevity in those who eat animal meat.
However, following a poorly planned vegan diet leads to nutrient consumption failure. An imbalanced eating style causes the deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals, making vegans consume additional food supplements.
Rejecting meat products decreases fat intake. Replacing them with protein contained plants such as soy, peas, and beans is a significant benefit for the cardiovascular system and energy-boosting. Being a body antioxidant, a vegan dietary guards the body from dangerous diseases.
Many vegans have chosen this style of nutrition due to personal conclusions. An animal has a right to freedom and life without human domination. In our country, egg and meat-eaters provoke the deaths of numerous marine and mammals animals. Haunted by the notion to earn, people explore animals and kill them for their profit.
The research data indicate that vegetarianism is beneficial for human health, decreasing the possibility of chronic and terminal illness development. Saving animals and allowing them to live their life we behave as humans.
Ethics generates a system of moral principles that guide human ethical behavior, derived from religious views, philosophies, or culture. Ethical values differ according to the situation, place, and time. An ethics essay allows observing this tendency, describe, compare, make a conclusion, and convince. Guiding human ethical behavior and reflecting the mindsets makes a positive impact on the writing talent improving.
Speaking of ethics, a writer discloses well-founded norms of ethical behavior, refining the right and wrong ones. Providing suggestions to the listeners basing on your personal beliefs and consistent scientific data is the primary aim of an ethics essay.
Moral issues penetrate every field of our life. It makes ethics complicated yet broadens the number of approaches. Either you write about ethics in medicine, business relationships, teaching practices, the combination of the most common ethical behaviors determine our society.
This type of essay is less about terms and definitions but more about your feelings about some life issues and your ways of perceiving them. While some standards are odd to one group of people, others find it acceptable. This contrast helps to craft a controversial argumentative essay to represent your position scientifically.
Don’t forget to browse our companion articles, ‘Writing Conventions‘ and ‘Creative Writing Prompts,’ for valuable insights and inspiration for your writing journey.
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