The Most Effective Ways to Cheat on a Test

Students of all times have used tricks to cheat in exams. And with generations and technological progress, the methods become more and more creative. Some methods got old-fashioned and replaced by new ones, some have remained unchanged and effective at the same time.
We all know that cheating is bad in its nature. But it has become an inseparable part of the educational process just like homework paper. Teachers know that students can trick and often let them do so. This mutual understanding is very convenient when according to the curriculum students have to study some disciplines they actually do not need. So teachers do not have to worry about teaching and learners know that they will be allowed to copy all the answers from their cue cards.
Why do students cheat on a test?
Considering the fact that cheating tricks have a long-time history, we can assume that reasons to use them remain the same as well. Sure, there are individual cases and situations. But we will focus on the most common and typical reasons.
- Unnecessary material. When it is obvious that the part of the educational plan is simply filling, there is no motivation to spend time learning it. That is when the tricking appears.
- Lack of time. Even if the material is important, you may have a huge load on other disciplines. So you decide to sacrifice your knowledge of one topic, to cover another one.
- Complicated material. In this case, students realize that they have few chances to get high grades in a fair game. So cheating here is like a spring-board.
- Laziness. Oh, this reason is understandable to everyone. You might be tired or bored and you’d better spend time designing a working technique to misconduct on your test rather than opening books.
- Insecurity about knowledge and skills. It is often practiced when students prepare to cheat just in case. They might know the topic good enough to pass the exam, but they still get some cards to feel safe.
We have collected 15 of the most daring and productive ways to cheat on a test:
Do not worry, almost every student cheats while writing a paper, so it is fine that you consider this approach as well. The important thing here is to do everything right. If you will look for the easiest ways, you would probably fail cheating and exam consequently. Instead, take a look at our 15 exceptional and creative methods to cheat with your paper and find the most suitable option for you.
Leg notes
Only girls will be able to use this note trick. All you need is to wear a skirt long enough to cover all the notes and short enough to reveal the text quickly when you have a chance. Boys, do not worry, you have an alternative – long sleeves and notes on your hands.

Bra notes
One more note method for girls. You need a bra and a revealing shirt. Sorry, guys, but you will definitely fail with this trick. Don’t be that guy from the second picture. So please, keep reading to find out other ideas.

Feel like a secret agent who is always in touch with mates. Modern headphones are so small and unnoticeable that it is not a problem to be on call during the assessment and listen to the right answers or information from your friend. What a powerful way to trick a teacher. In case you do not have a wireless option, make sure you have hidden the wires under your cloth and hair.

Watches notes
Use old electronic watches with a big screen to mask your sheets or notes there. You could out there a few small sheets of paper or a paper roll with answers, notes, and any other useful information.

Bottle notes
As it is often allowed to take a bottle of drink with you on an exam, take advantage of it and use the space on the label to insert answers there. See the instruction below.

Patch notes
No one will ever suspect that that sheet on your hand has something with tricks, so go ahead and use this method. But be smart and do not make it too obvious. The trick will work only if the sheet of paper is small and you can peel it off and on from time to time quickly.

Insole notes
Your eyesight should be perfect to distinct your notes on the distance to your feet. But it still can work during the warm seasons when you can put your shoe off for a while casually.

This is not a surprising trick of misconducting on a test. But you can be creative in hiding your device. Some students use fake calculators or hide it in a dictionary or any other allowed book. Be creative but wise. And do not be like students from the second picture who do not even try to analyze the situation. Be careful as cellphones are often forbidden in the classroom during the exam.

Fake hand
As you can see in the picture, this is a clever trick to hide your phone in order to look for sheet answers under your clothes. You will seem absolutely normal from a distance (except for the still hand), but with a closer look, the plastic body part will obvious. So hide it with long sleeve and do not let teachers take a closer look at it.

Rubber band note
Accessories often appear in ways to cheat. For instance, the band can be stretched around your textbook or hand. The important thing is to have access to it and be able to look closely at it.
Tissue notes
You can mask your tricks pretending you have a running nose or an allergy and you desperately need a box of tissues with you. Remember to maintain the legend by sneezing and blowing your nose from time to time.
Stationery notes
If it is a Math exam, you can use extra stationery for tricks purposes. It can be a ruler with a paper sticker on it. Or you can glue two rulers from one side and create something like a book.
Spy equipment
There are numerous goods that are made specifically for exam tricks. It could be pens or pencils with a roll of paper inside or any other usual object with hidden properties.
Nail notes
Again we have a trick that will be suitable mostly for girls. Boys can try it as well, but usually, a girl’s painted nails attract less attention than boys’ hands with the same decoration.
Mate’s sheet looking up
Sheet looking uo is the oldest way to get answers without any efforts. Of course, you risk being caught or get a complaint from your classmates. But if you do it quietly without bothering anyone, you can succeed with your sheet.

How to use these methods to cheat successfully?
Let’s take a look at some characteristics of successful ways to cheat while writing a sheet of paper. First of all, you should understand that every movement with your paper should be counted. If you do not have enough experience in this activity, it would be better to practice a bit. Here is some more advice for you:
- Do not look for notes on your sheet at the very beginning of the assessment;
- Wear practical clothes that will help to hide your notes without looking obvious;
- Do not hide notes in objects that will look weird on your desk during the test;
- Always have a second plan.
Our list of exam Hacks + luck = Good grades!
Even if you thought through every move and followed all our recommendations, there is still no guarantee that you will get good results. Assessments and teachers are often unpredictable, so you should rely on your luck as well. Only the combination of creative tricks with confidence and luck may help you to cheat successfully.
But still, we advise you always to have a back-up plan in case you will be caught, and your cue card will be taken. In fact, most of the cheating methods with papers are known by teachers, that is why you should keep in mind that a sheet of paper under your skirt might be spotted immediately. If you also want to learn more about multiple choice questions or ways to cheat on homework, go ahead to read our articles.
Best ways to cheat on a test – sleight of hand and calmness
Along with luck, you should be calm and a bit trained. It is easy to spot a learner who nervously hides something under the desk or in the sleeve or somewhere else. Also, teachers often notice when you are watching them and waiting for the moment they turn back, giving you a chance to cheat.
Whether you are ready for the test or not, try remaining calm. This set of mind will let you have more smooth moves and general look. In this setting, it will be easier to look up a few answers.
You can also win some time for preparing for exams by ordering some professional paper help using professional services and letting them write a paper.