Ready to Persuade? 116 Persuasive Essay Topics for Impactful Writing
Persuasive essay is a hard stuff because at first a student has to persuade themselves and then to deliver this belief to others. Speaking about persuasive paper, let’s firstly clarify what persuasion is. It is a kind of art, and putting everything together to get a decent stuff is really useful. Arriving at interesting ideas for persuasive essay is half of the deal. Another half is researching and presenting everything neatly and orderly. Good persuasive essay topics plus some reading plus your own belief in what you say equal to a good grade. That’s what you aim for, after all.
But at the beginning, we need to focus on persuasive topics. Being assigned persuasive essay topics seems boring, but it saves you time and efforts of choosing one. High school curriculum may offer smaller range of topics than college, but then the free choice is easier, too. So how does one arrive at ideas that worthy of a decent persuasive essay?
Why Is It so Difficult to Choose a Persuasive Essay Topic?
It is not so hard to grasp a good theme as you imagine it. There are several ways to stumble upon persuasive essay topics that will intrigue you and catch attention of your classmates and the teacher:
- ask yourself what interests or disturbs you and use it as a central argument of the essay. The more emotional you are about it, the more passionate you will be in your arguments.
- brainstorm with friends who are well-read. They may offer brilliant persuasive essay topics without a second thought.
- do not try to please your prof with the persuasive essay ideas. You can hardly guess what will impress him or her but most probably will fumble in the dark. Focus on what pleases you instead and get as many arguments as you can think of.
- do not try to speak of beaten topics like abortions, violence in the movies or alcohol/cigarettes ban. All arguments are known far and wide and you have nothing to add to these discussions.
Choose Persuasive Essay Ideas from Our Special Topic Collection
Okay, now we have narrowed down our search to more specific ways to find persuasive essay topics, whether for high school or college.
- look for current hot topics and see what you have to say about them. Recent events usually make excellent persuasive essay ideas – and they are fresh and unexplored.
- be specific about your standpoint. Do not just say that ‘this is both good and bad’. Say ‘this is good/bad because…’ and hit the audience with strong arguments and some emotions.
Feel ready to choose from fresh and smart persuasive essay ideas? We provide an awesome persuasive list that is both smart and relevant.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics for High School
- School uniform should not be mandatory.
- The problem of hate crime in schools is getting worse.
- Our society treats young boys and girls like equal humans without any exceptions.
- Modern TV content affects negatively teens’ intellectual abilities.
- Global Warming is actually a hoax.
- Cloning is ethically inacceptable.
- Gadgets should be banned during exams.
- Homework should be eliminated or at least significantly reduced in daily volumes.
- School theatre / drama club is more popular than any other extracurricular activity.
- School canteens should serve more fresh vegetables and healthy food.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics for College Level
- Proper gender balance can finally be achieved in politics.
- Texting and driving are incompatible.
- All textbooks should be transferred to iPads.
- Using social media needs proper security measures.
- The Border Wall is a true solution to illegal immigration.
- Recycling should be supported and promoted by more laws.
- Recent global cyber-attacks teach us a new lesson about cyber security.
- Social networking should be kept away from campuses.
- Girls want equal representation in sport teams of co-ed types (football).
- Identity theft is threatening the elderly people more than any other social group.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics for University Level
- Conflicts are a healthy part of developing and productive relationships.
- China is a new global super player to be counted with.
- Vegetarianism and veganism: the way to save the environment?
- Latin and Esperanto: are they dead languages?
- Too much political correctness actually kills communication.
- Freedom of religion is non-existent around the world.
- Does overcoming problems make people more successful?
- Does luck play a great role in life success?
- Can money bring true happiness?
- Homelessness problem should be solved on federal level.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics for Bachelor’s Level
- Capital punishment should be reserved only for exceptional criminals who committed terroristic attack of any kind.
- The US should have a comprehensive and accessible health insurance coverage nationwide.
- Working with shelter animals works wonders for rehabilitation of prisoners.
- Teen moms should not be encouraged to marry too early.
- Should any kind of volunteering be made compulsory?
- Art appreciation can be taught.
- Mode of operations of the UN should be updated to fit new realities.
- Is globalization equally good for all economies?
- Is Human Services work mode overly bureaucratic and in need for more powers given to actual field workers?
- Do doping scandals make the Olympics obsolete and unnecessary?
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics for Master’s Level
- USA foreign policy should be focused less on military actions and more on negotiations and peaceful interventions.
- Not any war can be called a ‘peacemaking operation’ or intervention.
- Should affirmative action be included into education system to provide women with more access to overly male industries?
- Is fight for human rights and equality in the USA over?
- Tech corporations like Facebook should boost their actions to fight bullying and fake news on the social.
- Should reporters who write open lies or twist facts face criminal investigation and not just libel charges?
- Is journalism in its initial meaning already dead?
- Sperm harvesting from a dead partner should be prohibited as unethical.
- Does the US have too much surveillance?
- Is a jury trial obsolete and judges should decide the case alone?
Top 10 Easy Persuasive Essay Topics
- Are appearances deceitful?
- Should new slang words born on the web be included in standard English?
- Should energy drinks be prohibited?
- Should parents spy on their teens’ phones?
- Do we need some kind of general online etiquette?
- Do modern students nave more chances to cheat because of new devices?
- Internet was invented by chance.
- Should age of alcohol consumption be legally reduced?
- Should minimum wage be increased?
- Should college education be free?
Top 10 Mid-Difficulty Persuasive Topics for an Essay
- Why churches should pay taxes in full.
- People are the true cause of climate change.
- There is no single foolproof way to settle Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- Iran’s policy is just what its neighbors do.
- Iranian nuclear deal is better than no deal at all.
- Self defense should be exempted from criminal persecution.
- Reducing taxes for corporations will allow them to create more jobs.
- Income tax cuts benefit only the richest people in the USA.
- Electroshock weapons should be allowed for self-defense.
- Do SOPA and PIPA make nothing to stop online piracy?
Top 10 Difficult Persuasive Essay Topics
- Large private financial corporations should not ask for taxpayers money to bail themselves out of crises.
- Are salaries and bonuses of top managers of large companies too huge and mostly undeserved?
- Should each country have its own nuclear weapons?
- Absolute good and absolute evil do not exist.
- Big wealth can be accumulated only through exploitation of others.
- Are new apps and technological solutions made unnecessarily complex just to add to their price?
- Do we live too fast a life dictated by new communication means and should everyone slow down a bit?
- Should fast food and processed food companies be held accountable for the epidemics of obesity in the USA?
- Does everyone have equal access to good water and healthy food choices in the USA?
- Epidemics of diseases like cancer are the nature’s answer to overpopulation.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics About Business
- Using social media in limited amount can benefit employees.
- Non-stop music in shopping malls negatively affects employees health.
- Business ethics has become an oxymoron and needs to be reconsidered.
- Stealing ideas from competitors is actually the way competition works.
- Customer complaint is a gift for a business operation improvement.
- Should companies be banned to spam their customers with too many emails/notifications?
- Public-private partnership is a path to more socially concerned and sustainable businesses.
- Commercial ads should be made to tell true medical/nutritional facts instead of making a glossy picture.
- Monopoly of transnational corporations: truth or myth?
- There should be fixed minimal percentage of ads on TV/websites advertising veggies and other healthy foodstuffs.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics About Science
- Hyperactive kids need not treatment but more love and time with their parents.
- Deaf culture: impairment or a new definition of ability?
- Do early marriages more often end in a divorce?
- Is ‘birds and bees’ stories a good way to talk to kids about reproduction?
- Optimism and success in life can actually be caught from others like a flu.
- Are Millennials the only social demographic group to spend too much time on the social?
- Should placebo be legally prescribed in hospitals?
- Homeschooling should be allowed after parents pass school tests themselves.
- Can a whole city ban cars and rely on bicycles and public transport only?
- Persuasion works best when we like a person that tries to persuade us.
Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics on Education
- Grading in its current form should be prohibited as counterproductive and misleading.
- Can current schooling system produce students with 100% literacy?
- There exist reliable ways to eliminate bullying in schools.
- Schools should include more time for reading books in classes.
- Schools should eliminate class projects because they are useless.
- Should religious groups be given state funds to set up schools?
- Does homework improve students’ outcomes?
- Should teachers be required to wear school uniform?
- School dress codes are obsolete and discriminatory.
- Suspension does nothing to improve students’ behavior.
Funny Persuasive Essay Topics: Get 10 Humorous Topics for Fun
- Should more jobs be like panda hugger and sofa tester?
- Laziness is a tool to safe energy and time.
- Ice cream vendors should mention how many chocolate ships their ice creams have
- Parents should be prohibited to dress their kids in silly clothes.
- Soccer moms should be cheerleaders for their kids’ team.
- Schools should have contests of pictures and crafts made by parents on a given topic.
- We should replace Easter Bunny with Easter Ostrich (and have really huge chocolate eggs).
- Do sheep feel offended when we count them before sleep?
- 10 ways to use newspapers without even reading them.
- Are male penguins better dads than men?
Bonus: 6 Excellent Persuasive Essay Topics You May Write About
- Some commercial ads are true art masterpieces.
- TV channels should not be required to introduce censorship or self-censorship.
- Wikipedia should regularly honor people who contributed most to its creation.
- Are dreadlocks really violating school rules?
- Should toys for kids be sold in one common section without any differentiation into ‘boys’ toys’ and girls’ toys’?
- Caring for animals makes people more compassionate.
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